My Four

My Four
This is how I get to exercise

warm rainy day

warm rainy day



Granny climbing a Mountain

Granny climbing a Mountain
Isn't she naughty

Jonas in his blessing outfit

Jonas in his blessing outfit

Jeremy's 3 Birthday

Jeremy's 3 Birthday

Friday, June 27, 2008

Pictures from EASTER

Well I am just a little behind so here are some pictures of when mom and dad and Jessie and Cherice came to visit us. We of course had a terrific time and wish that they could come again soon. We are excited to be visiting you all in less than a month. Good luck on your races this week and next week. I think I might run on the 4th of July, but we will see.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Drea, what a fun blog. It sounds like you do fun things all the time. I especially like the week of birthday celebration. Happy birthday by the way. Your kids are adorable. I am excited you are coming to visit. Talk to you soon. Heidi Marriott(I don't really know how these work and I wasn't sure if you would realize it was me and not some other Heidi!)