My Four

My Four
This is how I get to exercise

warm rainy day

warm rainy day



Granny climbing a Mountain

Granny climbing a Mountain
Isn't she naughty

Jonas in his blessing outfit

Jonas in his blessing outfit

Jeremy's 3 Birthday

Jeremy's 3 Birthday

Monday, October 31, 2011

November 2011

It's actually Halloween. Jeff took the kids out trick-or-treating and I thought it would be fun to post a few updated pictures, but he took the camera--so I'm writing instead. It had been a little while since I last wrote. We moved into a rental house and we love it. It is across the street from the elementary school and has a back yard with a fence. It is nice to have some space and not be worried about being too loud. Laurie started kindergarten this fall and is doing really well. She loves going to school. I'm glad she only goes in the afternoon so we still have all morning to play. She's a big helper to her brothers. Jack is growing like a weed. He loves bugs, snakes, and riding his bike. He also loves to ask lots of questions about how things work. Jeremy is at the most fun stage ever. I love two year olds. They say the funniest things like "mom you're my favorite." We are in the process of potty training and when he has an accident he will say "mom it's just water." How did he learn how to deceive at such an young age? Jeff is working for a private practice office as well as a hospital. We love to have him home on a regular schedule!! We expecting a boy in Febuary--it will be four for us. I'm feeling really well but I had to give up running a long time ago. We are looking forward to Thanksgiving in Utah this year. My sister Jessie is getting married and it will be so fun to have all our family together.