I had my food storage class yesterday which was for the most part a success. Except for one thing. See I had planned on being there early, but I had to return twice to get stuff I had forgotten so I just got there right on time, but I still had to set up and everything. I didn't think it was a big deal because everybody was just getting there and getting there kids out and settled. However, at precisely 10:06 one of the ladies walked out and as she left she told somebody, not me, that she hated when things didn't start on time. I thought it was so mean and I felt really bad. I guess I should have been better prepared. I am over it now though, I had my sulking day and now I've got better things to do. My friend, Melissa, is finally having her baby! And I think shes really glad she stuck it out because she came on her own!! She hasn't had the baby yet, but she is definately in labor. I get to watch her son the whole time, so I should have him over tonight. He is barely 2, and he is a really good kid. not much maintenance at all. Well talk to ya'll soon