My Four

My Four
This is how I get to exercise

warm rainy day

warm rainy day



Granny climbing a Mountain

Granny climbing a Mountain
Isn't she naughty

Jonas in his blessing outfit

Jonas in his blessing outfit

Jeremy's 3 Birthday

Jeremy's 3 Birthday

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Well I thought my kids were getting better, but it was all in my head. I think I just wanted them to get better so I made it up. I finally took them both to the dr. Laurie has a UTI and an ear infection and Jack has both ears infected. I am sure glad I didn't wait any longer to take them in. I swear knowing when or when not to take your kids to the dr. is just about the hardest thing to decide. I got to babysit a 2 week old today, he was sooooooo sweet! It made Jack seem huge. I decided the best way for me to stay in shape is to run my 3 miles and more importantly chase my kids around. If you really are active with your kids I think there is no way you could be fat or gain weight, they just require too much energy.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

I feel for you. I hate when my kids are sick. It is miserable for everyone. Good luck. I hope they are starting to feel better!