My Four

My Four
This is how I get to exercise

warm rainy day

warm rainy day



Granny climbing a Mountain

Granny climbing a Mountain
Isn't she naughty

Jonas in his blessing outfit

Jonas in his blessing outfit

Jeremy's 3 Birthday

Jeremy's 3 Birthday

Friday, November 5, 2010


We enjoyed a whole month of perfect weather here in St. Louis. With the exception of one or two semi-rainy days it was 75 during the day and 55 at night. What fun weather. My parents and grandparents and aunt and uncle came to visit us. We were able to go up to Nauvoo and enjoy some of the church history sites. I got to go see Jessie (my sister) run in a collegiate race in Terre Haute, Indiana. We also got to visit the zoo, the last time my mom went to the zoo was over 15 years ago. We had so much fun and it was good to visit and the kids got plent of spoil-time. Jeremy is almost 20 months old, how time flies by. He is started to talk a lot, but I still don't understand what he is saying for the most part. He did get trick-or-treat down pretty good. He has been sick a lot lately. The lastest was strep-throat and boy was he sick. Luckily no one else got it! He is started to be independent and I can tell the terrible-twos are approaching, Jack is turned into such a big boy. He gets himself dressed and makes his bed and loves to do jobs for me. He likes preschool. He loves music, gym, and recess the most. He was become quite the artist. He loves to color and cut pictures. (I can get him to do just about anything if I tell him he can color a picture when he's done.) Since he was little he has never been afraid of bugs. He will pick up just about anything, and I love that he will kill all the spiders in my house for me. He just goes and gets a tissue and picks it up and throws it down the toilet. The other day there was a small spider and I asked him to kill it, but he said, "no, mom--my teacher said spiders are good and they kill other bugs so we can't kill it." I definately need to have a talk with his teacher--now who is going to kill the spiders. Laurie loves loves preschool. I can use it as leverage all the time. She loves the friends she has there and her teachers. She loves to dress up and put on plays. She loves to watch movies and play card games. She is a great big sister to Jack and Jeremy. For Halloween Laurie was a witch, Jack and Jeremy were dragons. (picture to come soon) Jeff and I dressed up for the ward party I borrowed scrubs and was a doctor with fake blood all over one of Jeff's lab coats and Jeff was the patient. He borrowed a hospital gone and wore shorts so from the front it looked pretty funny. Jeff entered the Chili contest and didn't win, but he did have the best chili. It was very very yummy. He started his anthesia rotation and has to get up at 5:00 every morning--(poor Jeff) I don't mind too much because then he gets to come home by 5:00, but he does fall asleep at 9:30 at night. I want to enter a Turkey Trot here in St. Louis, but they only have a 5K and I haven't trained for speed for a long time. I joined a gym near my house and I have really enjoyed going there. I go there 3-4 times a week, but as the weather gets worse I will probably go more. They have some fun classes and I have trained myself to run on the treadmill. I can only do 6 miles, but I hope to add a few more slowly. See yall later

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